- Healing Power of Breath - The Moon Within and Womb awakening -
- Embodied Presence / Gurdjieff Sacred Dances -
I offer workshops and therapy sessions in person, in UK, across Europe and in PachaMama Eco-Village located in Costa Rica. To find out more about my online offerings and to contact me about booking a session, click here.
Gentle, safe and powerful healing for the mind, body and soul.
Breath is our life companion. Besides the basic physiological life function it is also a gate for healing, transformation and expansion. Conscious breath together with movement and awareness can help to heal, balance and harmonize our body and soul.
A group setting of breathers supports the process of each participant in a safe and loving way.
Clarity Breathwork is a safe, gentle and yet profound transformational process of conscious breathing, which supports healing on all levels of our being: body – mind – spirit. The breath is serving us as a gateway to the inner peace, acceptance and unity.
Take a full breath, sense your body and re-connect with your true essence. When you breathe consciously you open the gate to healing and a profound release of stress, trauma, patterns and imprints, blocks or toxins, encouraging the natural energy flow in your body. If you become more aware of the way you breathe, you can change your whole life and inspire also the lives of people around you.
Besides the physical benefit of enriching all organs with a good amount of rejuvenating oxygen, you experience also a profound movement and a shift on emotional and mental level, restoring balance, awakening more joy and experiencing empowerment and expansion.
The journey is supported by embodiment and dance practice, awareness and meditation techniques and a Clarity Breathwork group session.
Group sessions are powerful way to move energy and transform your life and are offered in a form of classes - breathing circles, typically 1.5 - 2 hours long. Breathing circles are a wonderful opportunity for newcomers to be introduced to the work and the community.
the moon within
This is an invitation for all women and sisters to acknowledge the wisdom of feminine cyclical nature, to honour the sacred time of the moon and reconnect with one‘s womb wisdom, through an individual counselling and interactive programe, that can be taken also on distance or in a form of a workshop or an introductory 2 hours circle. If you know sister and women that are interested in this work please contact me to organise one in your location.
Understanding of the natural flow of the menstrual cycle unlocks the power of the woman’s body and guides us towards profound self-care, empowerment, creativity, purpose and inner calling. Exploration and release of social and cultural conditioning, myths, and taboos around menstruality and female body can free and awaken feminine authentic nature, and bring healing and deeper intimacy to the womb temple and encourage a healthier lifestyle and relationships.
Tuning with different phases of the cycle uncovers their influence on one‘s health, emotions and energy level. Following inner rhythm, boundaries, exploring creativity and intuition through dance, embodiment, sharing, breathwork, awareness work, and embracing the time of menarche through a ritual and prayer – assists in one’s reconnection to the day-to-day cycle experience with love and compassion, and the ability to simply rest in the natural feminine flow and celebrate the beauty of womanhood.
It is never too early nor too late to connect with the moon temple wisdom.
EMBODIED PRESENCE / Gurdjieff Sacred dances
G. I. Gurdjieff was an Armenian mystic and a composer of the last century. In his adventurous journeys across the Orient he collected dances and music from ancient traditions and temples; which inspired him to create his sets of Sacred Dances. Gurdjieff's aim was to assist in harmonious development of man by combining mind and feelings with the movement of the body, and manifesting them together.
Each of our daily habitual movements, voluntary or involuntary, is an unconscious transition from one automatic posture to another automatic posture, accompanied by an automatic thinking process. Gurdjieff Sacred Dances are helping us to break this cycle of automatism. By taking new, unaccustomed postures we can observe ourselves from inside and understand better functioning of three centers: moving, emotional and intellectual.
Gurdjieff Sacred Dances are practiced as a centering and awareness exercises, the movements activates body meridians, enhance body circulation and work with coordination and integration of different parts of the body. We learn that the quality of the movement comes from stillness within.
Gurdjieff Sacred Dances speak a language that our intellect cannot understand well but to which the body is sensitive.
The movements practice is accompanied by an original piano music especially composed for each movement by G.I. Gurdjieff and Thomas De Hartmann.